Wednesday, 30 March 2011

I send you a cream-white rosebud
With a flush upon its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.

Happy Birthday (Salgirah Mubarak)
Dear Wife

All the treasure on the land
All the treasure in the sea…
All the World's gems and jewels
Priceless they would be…
And if all were brought together
So that we could compare
The brightest gem could not outshine
The true love that we share.
You are priceless to me
My precious darling Wife

I'm sending you this Birthday Wish
Filled with hugs and kisses too.
Because there is a special place
Within my heart for you
My darling Wife
When I count my blessings
I count you twice
Darling Wife
I love my life
Because it gave me you
I love you
Because you are my life
And better yet
You are my wife
You know I love you
And you must know too
That my happiest moments
Are those spent with you
For when we're together
Or when we're apart
You're first in my thoughts
And first in my heart

Happiness is being married to my best friend

I draw a circle, not a heart, around you
My wife, the one I love
Because a heart can break
But a circle goes on for ever. 

Happy Birthday

You're my best friend in the good times
And my rock in times of sorrow.
You're the reason for sweet yesterdays
And my promise for tomorrow. 
I never thought I could feel this loved
Until you became my wife.
You made this year and each other year
The best of my life.
Love always, 
(Happy Birthday)

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Growing old with you is one of my favourite things to do

Growing old with you is one of my favourite things to do